Definition of blitz: a sudden, energetic, and concerted effort, typically on a specific task.

Being an entrepreneur is SO. MUCH. FUN. But it can also be lonely, confusing, exhausting and sometimes just plain ole hard. 

You didn’t become an entrepreneur because you were seeking an easy life. It’s very likely you decided to leap into this world because you had something inside that you knew you needed to share with the world.

Being an entrepreneur is selfless. You get to offer your crafts, creations, services to the world - and what a gift that is! But sometimes it gets confusing. There is a lot of noise out there that makes you wonder if you’re doing it right. There are lots of voices, both outside of us and inside of us that say it’s been done before. 

And in the end, that’s all just nonsensical noise. They are stories that were created to keep you safe.

But you aren’t here to play it safe! You’re here to dream big and live with passion.

Which is where I come in.

After coaching multiple groups of female entrepreneurs I decided that the best impact I could have in this season of my life would be through one-on-one guidance.

Enter The Blitz

Something that I’m skilled at is getting straight to the point. It can be so easy to flip flop about ideas, not know where to begin, convince yourself it won’t work, and then ultimately stay small. Which is so unfair to the rest of us! We need what you have to offer. So let us have it already!

THE BLITZ covers many bases:

  1. PRE-WORK: Simple and straight to the point, you’ll get a document that you’ll have to fill out before our call that will give me an idea of where you’re at in your business and will start to get you thinking about where you want to head. 

  2. HUMAN DESIGN: I rarely create an offer that doesn’t include human design. It changed my life and helped guide me to be the entrepreneur that I am. And for that reason I can’t not share it with you! For this piece, I will need your time, date and location of birth and with that I will be able to see your energetic blueprint. This will help you figure out where you have access to energy from within, and where you may need to plug into others. It also gives an understanding of where you’re meant to make decisions from. Hint hint…it’s not the mind!

  3. CLARITY: I can be your mirror. Tell me about what excites you, what drains you, what you look forward to, what feels forced, and we’ll brainstorm how to create an offer that feels truly good for your soul. 

  4. CREATION: Ok now we get to the juicy stuff! Pricing, creating copy, branding, marketing, and selling - all incredible tools that help you get your offer into the right people’s hands. Maybe you don’t need help with all of it, but if you do I’m here for it. From someone who used to hate selling but now has fallen in love with it, I can help teach you to change your relationship with these crucial parts of running a business. 

  5. LAUNCH: Let’s do this! By the end of our time together you will either be ready to launch or you’ll be that much closer to making it happen. And if you need more assistance in the days following…

THE BLITZ OPTION 2: With this add on of voice note coaching for 7 days after our call I can help support you through the actual launch period. You can message me as thoughts, ideas, questions come up, and I’ll be there to guide you. Take note that you will get a response within 6 hours between 9am-6pm (likely sooner because I love this stuff so much). 

If you’re feeling called to The Blitz then let’s do this! 


OPTION 1: 2.5 hours | $244

  • Pre-work

  • Human Design

  • Get clear on offers

  • Create pricing, copy, marketing

  • By the end you’ll be ready or near ready to launch your idea

Fill Out Form & Add To Cart

OPTION 2: 2.5 hours + 7 days of voice note coaching | $299

  • Pre-work

  • Human Design

  • Get clear on offers

  • Create pricing, copy, marketing

  • By the end you’ll be ready or near ready to launch your idea

  • Access to me for one week to ask questions, bounce ideas around, and gain confidence in your creation and how to share it 

Fill Out Form & Add To Cart

EntrepreneurJaime Moar