RE-IGNITE Workshop

Hey there female entrepreneur! 

I'm so glad you've landed on this page. As someone who runs 3 businesses I know how it can feel to lose momentum or passion from time to time. 

Whether you’re here because you aren’t sure which direction you’re going or because you aren’t sure how to get to where you desire to go, you’re in the right place!

The 90 minute workshop will leave you ready to take inspired action in your business.

But before we begin I need to say something that might sound a little harsh. It comes from a place of love, but I need to tell it like it is.

If YOU aren’t ready to show up for YOU this workshop will do nothing.

If YOU aren’t ready to take action in YOUR business and in your LIFE then the impact won’t be there.

If YOU don't think YOU are worth your own time and energy then my messaging likely won't land.

So start by deciding. Decide that you and your ideas have a place in this world. That they matter and can help change other people’s lives. Decide that you have exactly what you need, you just need a little prompting to get it out. Decide that you are worthy.

Ok now that I got that off my chest, let me also say that I love you! Even if I don’t know you that well I love you for being here. I need you in this world too, so thank you.

RE-IGNITE Workshop
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EntrepreneurJaime Moar